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TypeScript is Porting Its Compiler to Go for 10x Faster Builds
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Advanced tools
Lightweight, use-anywhere toolkit for working with array data.
There are four ways to use it.
$ curl -s https://api.npmjs.org/downloads/range/last-month/array-tools \
| object-tools get downloads \
| array-tools pluck downloads \
| array-tools join "," \
| spark
> var a = require("array-tools");
> var remainder = a.without([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], 1)
> a.exists(remainder, 1)
> a([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]).without(1).exists(1);
var util = require("util");
var ArrayTools = require("array-tools");
// this class will inherit all array-tools methods
function CarCollection(cars){
ArrayTools.call(this, cars);
util.inherits(CarCollection, ArrayTools);
var cars = new CarCollection([
{ owner: "Me", model: "Citreon Xsara" },
{ owner: "Floyd", model: "Bugatti Veyron" }
cars.findWhere({ owner: "Floyd" });
// returns { owner: "Floyd", model: "Bugatti Veyron" }
(e.g. where
, without
) can be chained.exists
, contains
) cannot be chained.Array.prototype
(e.g. .join
, .forEach
etc.) are also available in the chain. The same rules, regarding what can and cannot be chained, apply as above..val()
to terminate the chain and retrieve the output.> a([ 1, 2, 2, 3 ]).exists(1)
> a([ 1, 2, 2, 3 ]).without(1).exists(1)
> a([ 1, 2, 2, 3 ]).without(1).unique().val()
[ 2, 3 ]
> a([ 1, 2, 2, 3 ]).without(1).unique().join("-")
As a library:
$ npm install array-tools --save
As a command-line tool:
$ npm install -g array-tools
Using bower:
$ bower install array-tools --save
Takes any input and guarantees an array back.
) to a real arrayundefined
to an empty arraynull
) into an array containing that valueKind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
any | * | the input value to convert to an array |
> a.arrayify(undefined)
> a.arrayify(null)
[ null ]
> a.arrayify(0)
[ 0 ]
> a.arrayify([ 1, 2 ])
[ 1, 2 ]
> function f(){ return a.arrayify(arguments); }
> f(1,2,3)
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
Deep query an array.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array.<object> | the array to query |
query | any | Array.<any> | one or more queries |
Say you have a recordset:
> data = [
{ name: "Dana", age: 30 },
{ name: "Yana", age: 20 },
{ name: "Zhana", age: 10 }
You can return records with properties matching an exact value:
> a.where(data, { age: 10 })
[ { name: 'Zhana', age: 10 } ]
or where NOT the value (prefix the property name with !
> a.where(data, { "!age": 10 })
[ { name: 'Dana', age: 30 }, { name: 'Yana', age: 20 } ]
match using a function:
> function over10(age){ return age > 10; }
> a.where(data, { age: over10 })
[ { name: 'Dana', age: 30 }, { name: 'Yana', age: 20 } ]
match using a regular expression
> a.where(data, { name: /ana/ })
[ { name: 'Dana', age: 30 },
{ name: 'Yana', age: 20 },
{ name: 'Zhana', age: 10 } ]
You can query to any arbitrary depth. So with deeper data, like this:
> deepData = [
{ name: "Dana", favourite: { colour: "light red" } },
{ name: "Yana", favourite: { colour: "dark red" } },
{ name: "Zhana", favourite: { colour: [ "white", "red" ] } }
get records with favourite.colour
values matching /red/
> a.where(deepData, { favourite: { colour: /red/ } })
[ { name: 'Dana', favourite: { colour: 'light red' } },
{ name: 'Yana', favourite: { colour: 'dark red' } } ]
if the value you're looking for maybe part of an array, prefix the property name with +
. Now Zhana is included:
> a.where(deepData, { favourite: { "+colour": /red/ } })
[ { name: 'Dana', favourite: { colour: 'light red' } },
{ name: 'Yana', favourite: { colour: 'dark red' } },
{ name: 'Zhana', favourite: { colour: [ "white", "red" ] } } ]
you can combine any of the above by supplying an array of queries. Records will be returned if any of the queries match:
> var nameBeginsWithY = { name: /^Y/ }
> var faveColourIncludesWhite = { favourite: { "+colour": "white" } }
> a.where(deepData, [ nameBeginsWithY, faveColourIncludesWhite ])
[ { name: 'Yana', favourite: { colour: 'dark red' } },
{ name: 'Zhana', favourite: { colour: [ "white", "red" ] } } ]
Returns a new array with the same content as the input minus the specified values. It accepts the same query syntax as where.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | the input array |
toRemove | any | Array.<any> | one, or more queries |
> a.without([ 1, 2, 3 ], 2)
[ 1, 3 ]
> a.without([ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ])
[ 1 ]
> data = [
{ name: "Dana", age: 30 },
{ name: "Yana", age: 20 },
{ name: "Zhana", age: 10 }
> a.without(data, { name: /ana/ })
Returns an array containing each value plucked from the specified property of each object in the input array.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
recordset | Array.<object> | The input recordset |
property | string | Array.<string> | Property name, or an array of property names. If an array is supplied, the first existing property will be returned. |
with this data..
> var data = [
{ name: "Pavel", nick: "Pasha" },
{ name: "Richard", nick: "Dick" },
{ name: "Trevor" },
pluck all the nicknames
> a.pluck(data, "nick")
[ 'Pasha', 'Dick' ]
in the case no nickname exists, take the name instead:
> a.pluck(data, [ "nick", "name" ])
[ 'Pasha', 'Dick', 'Trevor' ]
the values being plucked can be at any depth:
> var data = [
{ leeds: { leeds: { leeds: "we" } } },
{ leeds: { leeds: { leeds: "are" } } },
{ leeds: { leeds: { leeds: "Leeds" } } }
> a.pluck(data, "leeds.leeds.leeds")
[ 'we', 'are', 'Leeds' ]
return a copy of the input recordset
containing objects having only the cherry-picked properties
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
recordset | Array.<object> | the input |
property | string | Array.<string> | the properties to include in the result |
with this data..
> data = [
{ name: "Dana", age: 30 },
{ name: "Yana", age: 20 },
{ name: "Zhana", age: 10 }
return only the "name"
> a.pick(data, "name")
[ { name: 'Dana' }, { name: 'Yana' }, { name: 'Zhana' } ]
return both the "name"
and "age"
> a.pick(data, [ "name", "age" ])
[ { name: 'Dana', age: 30 },
{ name: 'Yana', age: 20 },
{ name: 'Zhana', age: 10 } ]
cherry-picks fields at any depth:
> data = [
{ person: { name: "Dana", age: 30 }},
{ person: { name: "Yana", age: 20 }},
{ person: { name: "Zhana", age: 10 }}
> a.pick(data, "person.name")
[ { name: 'Dana' }, { name: 'Yana' }, { name: 'Zhana' } ]
> a.pick(data, "person.age")
[ { age: 30 }, { age: 20 }, { age: 10 } ]
Returns an array containing the unique values from the input array.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | input array |
> a.unique([ 1, 6, 6, 7, 1])
[ 1, 6, 7 ]
Splice items from the input array until the matching test fails. Returns an array containing the items removed.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | the input array |
index | number | the position to begin splicing from |
test | any | the sequence of items passing this test will be removed |
[...elementN] | * | elements to add to the array in place |
> function under10(n){ return n < 10; }
> numbers = [ 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 ]
> a.spliceWhile(numbers, 0, under10)
[ 1, 2, 4, 6 ]
> numbers
[ 12 ]
> countries = [ "Egypt", "Ethiopia", "France", "Argentina" ]
> a.spliceWhile(countries, 0, /^e/i)
[ 'Egypt', 'Ethiopia' ]
> countries
[ 'France', 'Argentina' ]
Removes items from array
which satisfy the query. Modifies the input array, returns the extracted.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Returns: Array
- the extracted items.
Category: chainable
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | the input array, modified directly |
query | any | if an item in the input array passes this test it is removed |
> DJs = [
{ name: "Trevor", sacked: true },
{ name: "Mike", sacked: true },
{ name: "Chris", sacked: false },
{ name: "Alan", sacked: false }
> a.extract(DJs, { sacked: true })
[ { name: 'Trevor', sacked: true },
{ name: 'Mike', sacked: true } ]
> DJs
[ { name: 'Chris', sacked: false },
{ name: 'Alan', sacked: false } ]
flatten an array of arrays into a single array.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Since: 1.4.0
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | the input array |
> numbers = [ 1, 2, [ 3, 4 ], 5 ]
> a.flatten(numbers)
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
Sort an array of objects by one or more fields
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: chainable
Since: 1.5.0
Type | Description |
Array.<object> | input array |
string | Array.<string> | column name(s) to sort by |
object | specific sort orders, per columns |
with this data
> DJs = [
{ name: "Trevor", slot: "twilight" },
{ name: "Chris", slot: "twilight" },
{ name: "Mike", slot: "afternoon" },
{ name: "Rodney", slot: "morning" },
{ name: "Chris", slot: "morning" },
{ name: "Zane", slot: "evening" }
sort by slot
using the default sort order
> a.sortBy(DJs, "slot")
[ { name: 'Mike', slot: 'afternoon' },
{ name: 'Zane', slot: 'evening' },
{ name: 'Chris', slot: 'morning' },
{ name: 'Rodney', slot: 'morning' },
{ name: 'Chris', slot: 'twilight' },
{ name: 'Trevor', slot: 'twilight' } ]
specify a custom sort order for slot
> a.sortBy(DJs, "slot", { slot: [ "morning", "afternoon", "evening", "twilight" ]})
[ { name: 'Rodney', slot: 'morning' },
{ name: 'Chris', slot: 'morning' },
{ name: 'Mike', slot: 'afternoon' },
{ name: 'Zane', slot: 'evening' },
{ name: 'Trevor', slot: 'twilight' },
{ name: 'Chris', slot: 'twilight' } ]
sort by slot
then name
> a.sortBy(DJs, ["slot", "name"], { slot: [ "morning", "afternoon", "evening", "twilight" ]})
[ { name: 'Chris', slot: 'morning' },
{ name: 'Rodney', slot: 'morning' },
{ name: 'Mike', slot: 'afternoon' },
{ name: 'Zane', slot: 'evening' },
{ name: 'Chris', slot: 'twilight' },
{ name: 'Trevor', slot: 'twilight' } ]
Works in exactly the same way as where but returning a boolean indicating whether a matching record exists.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: not chainable
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | the array to search |
query | * | the value to search for |
> data = [
{ name: "Dana", age: 30 },
{ name: "Yana", age: 20 },
{ name: "Zhana", age: 10 }
> a.exists(data, { age: 10 })
Works in exactly the same way as where but returns only the first item found.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: not chainable
Param | Type | Description |
recordset | Array.<object> | the array to search |
query | object | the search query |
> dudes = [
{ name: 'Jim', age: 8 },
{ name: 'Clive', age: 8 },
{ name: 'Hater', age: 9 }
> a.findWhere(dudes, { age: 8 })
{ name: 'Jim', age: 8 }
Removes the specified value from the input array.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: not chainable
Since: 1.8.0
Param | Type | Description |
arr | Array | the input array |
toRemove | * | the item to remove |
> numbers = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> a.remove(numbers, 1)
[ 1 ]
> numbers
[ 2, 3 ]
Return the last item in an array.
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: not chainable
Since: 1.7.0
Param | Type | Description |
arr | Array | the input array |
Searches the array for the exact value supplied (strict equality). To query for value existance using an expression or function, use exists. If you pass an array of values, contains will return true if they all exist. (note: exists
returns true if some of them exist).
Kind: static method of array-tools
Category: not chainable
Since: 1.8.0
Param | Type | Description |
array | Array | the input array |
value | * | the value to look for |
© 2015-16 Lloyd Brookes 75pound@gmail.com. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.
Lightweight, use-anywhere toolkit for working with array data.
The npm package array-tools receives a total of 1,969 weekly downloads. As such, array-tools popularity was classified as popular.
We found that array-tools demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Security News
Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.